Sustainability is a fundamental value on which IMA has based its operations

Sustainability is a fundamental value on which IMA has based its operations for many years and is a very important pillar of the system. The Group’s commitment towards this matter is embodied by the corporate IMA ZERO project.

The Company has been prioritizing sustainability since years and committing to concretely implementing new eco-friendly projects and initiatives, annually publishing a sustainability report too. Not only this, but we also honored our pledge through our IMA ZERO project, launched in 2019 to minimize IMA’s environmental impact in the manufacturing sector.

IMA ZERO is divided in 4 categories: LOW, NOP, E-MOB and YOU. LOW (Low-Impact Program) refers to the pledge to lower the Group’s impact on the environment, reducing emissions, waste, as well as water and energy consumption, and preserving natural resources.

NOP (No-Plastic Program) fosters the employment of eco-friendly materials for the gradual reduction of plastic in packaging produced by IMA machines. To this purpose, IMA OPENLab plays a fundamental role: the Group’s network of technological laboratories and testing areas is dedicated to the research of sustainable materials alternative to plastic, technologies and production optimisation processes.

E-MOB (Sustainable Mobility Program) includes the Group’s projects about sustainable and electric mobility, for example the implementation of e-charging stations at IMA’s plants to charge hybrid and electric cars during working time.

Also, in the last years the Group established the ‘’Bike to Work’’ project that fosters the use of bike through kilometric incentives for employees who use it for home to work transfers, as well as the availability of personal annual public transport tickets paid by the Company to reduce the use of personal means of transportation.

YOU (Human-Centric Program) concerns the Group’s commitment to putting people at the centre, promoting different projects related to equal opportunities, inclusion, integration, professional development, and anything that can improve working and living conditions.


For IMA the study of materials has become a crucial point in development in the sustainable field, In particular, our IMA OPENLab plays a fundamental role in the research of materials that are both eco-friendly and machinable, and it represents a pillar of our NoPlastic Program (NOP).

OPENLab is our network of technological laboratories that research, study and analyse sustainable materials (plastic-free, compostable or biodegradable, recyclable and/or more sustainable plastic-based materials). At our innovative laboratories, customers have also the possibility to test new materials on the machines on-site under the supervision of our material technologists too.

IMA ZERO is our latest commitment towards creating products, production processes and services, benefitting from a renewed logic of sustainability and from the awareness that our efforts today will help to shape the world of tomorrow. Winning the Best Packaging Award with our HYWRAP20 is a concrete result of our sustainable pledge.

Discover our sustainable solution for the Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices, Food, Personal Care, Tissue & Nonwoven, E-commerce and Tobacco industries.

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