Screening Equipment Made In Italy Since 1956

MR– Vibratory Sieves the vibrating sieving machine is used for the separation, classification, scalping, dedusting and selection of powders and liquids. Allows to achieve up to 5 different particle sizes, extremely robust con- struction and ease to disassembly. Available with ATEX certification, FDA IQ-OQ procedures, GMP, BFM fittings, Jacob fittings and finishes for the food and pharmaceutical industry.
Available in the following models: 16″ (Ø 400 mm) – 20″ (Ø 500 mm) – 24″
(Ø 600 mm) – 30″ (Ø 800 m) – 36″ (Ø 900 mm) – 48″ (Ø 1200 mm) – 60″ (Ø 1500 mm) – 72″ (Ø 1800 mm) – 90″ (Ø 2250 mm).

Features: the vibration is through an unbalanced motor with a double extended shaft, fitted at both ends with eccentric weights. Rotation of the top eccentric weights creates vi- bration in the horizontal plane, which causes material to move across the screen cloth to periphery increasing the horizontal throw, causing over- size material to discharge at a faster rate. The tangential component of motion is controlled by the angle of lead give n to bottom weights with re- lation to top weight. Variation in lead angle controlled the spiral pattern of material travel over the screen cloth.
• Low power consumption;
• Varied range of applications;
• High processing rate per unit area of screen;
• Accurate separation;
• Screening up to 200 mesh;
• Applicable different anti blinding systems; • Modular design to yield up to 6 pre- determined fractions;
• Dust-free and noiseless process- ing;
• Solid/Liquid separation: Paper & Pulp, Food, Ceramics, Chemicals, Minerals, Waste Disposal, Paint and Pigments;
• Dry classification: Food, Pharma- ceutical, Petrochemicals, Fertiliz-
ers, Ceramics and Pigments; • Dry separation: Pulps, Woods, Ani- mal Feeds, Foods, Grains, Cosmet- ics, and Chemicals;

MSC – Check screening machines:
Low profile Check Screener is a round separator used for the safety screen- ing and check screening of powders and liquids by removing the oversize contamination. Available with ATEX certification, FDA IQ-OQ procedures, GMP, BFM fittings, Jacob fittings and finishes for the food and pharmaceu- tical industry.
Available in the following models: 16″ (Ø 400 mm) – 20″ (Ø 500 mm) – 24″
(Ø 600 mm) – 30″ (Ø 800 m) – 36″
(Ø  900  mm)  –  48″  (Ø  1200mm)  – 60″ (Ø 1500 mm) – 72″ (Ø 1800mm)
– 90″ (Ø 2250 mm).

Features:  the  vibration  is  through a  twin  unbalanced  motors  with  a double extended shaft, fitted at both ends with eccentric weights. Increas- ing the eccentric mass, increases the horizontal   throw,   causing   oversize material to discharge at a faster rate. The  vertical  motion  also  minimizes blinding of screen by “near size” par- ticles.
• eliminate oversized and purify ma- terial;
•  higher  throughput  per  unit  mesh area;
• easily to dismantle and clean;
• dust proof;
•  can  fit  easily  into  existing  instal- lations and areas of limited head- room;
•  lowers  noise  levels    typically  as
70dBA; Application: featured industries are Food  &  Beverage,  Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Coatings, Ceramics, Met- al Powders, Water Processing, Recy- cling.
Centrifugal  Sifters:  The  centrifu- gal sifter TURBOWEST is particularly suitable  for  control  sieving  of  solid products.

The   centrifugal   sieve   sturdy   con- struction   and   ease   of   integration into existing plants, makes it an easy choice  for  sieving  a  large  range  of powders and granules, food, chemi- cal, pharmaceutical and plastic products.
Successfully  used  for  screening  dry or humid bulk materials, the centrifu- gal sifter, is recommended whenever bagged products or hygroscopic ma- terials  are  being  processed.  Lumps and   conglomerations   are   broken gently without any product loss. The Turbowest  sieve  is  especially  suit- ed  for  gravity  screening  in  line  with pneumatic conveyors.
Features: The product is fed into the sifter trough the inlet and the inter- nal screw feeds material to be sifted into the sifting chamber. The materi- als is collected and distributed along the  sifting  surface  by  rotating  paddles  optional  brushes,  which  forces the   material   through   the   screen. The separated fine material will dis- charge to the central outlet while the unsifted material will be discharged through the side outlet.

• Compact design;
• Heavy duty construction for continuous operation;
• Automatic material discharge;
• Vibration-free action;
• Easy  and  quick  change  of  screen mesh;
• Inspection doors for quick cleaning of the machine;
• High throughput;
• Low power requirements;
• Available   in   stainless   steel   AISI 304L-316L.
• Certification  for  ATEX,  FDA-FOOD, GMP available

Application:  the  centrifugal  sifters are suitable all sectors with a widely varying  range  of  products  such  as: food industry, chemical, pharmaceu- tical,  plastic  materials,  metal  pow- ders, cement and sand.
Tumbler    Screeners:    The    VAN Tumbler  Screening  Machine  has  a three-dimensional    movement    for classification,  separation,  dedusting and  safety  screening  of  dried  prod- ucts in powders or in granules. It al- lows  up  to  6  separations.  Available with  ATEX  certification,  FDA  IQ-OQ procedures,  GMP,  BFM  fittings,  Ja- cob fittings and  finishes for the food and pharmaceutical industry. Availa- ble in the following models: 1200 (Ø 1200mm)  –  1600  (Ø  1600  mm)  – 2000 (Ø 2000 mm) – 2250 (Ø 2250
mm) – 2600 (Ø 2600 mm).

Features: the movement of a tum- bler  screening  machine  is  usually compared with simple hand screen- ing similar to the “gold washing pan”. The product is continuously fed into the  centre  of  the  top  screen,  from where  it  spreads  out  evenly  to  the outside  across  the  entire  screening surface. While the finer particles fall through the screen near the centre, the coars- er ones successively towards the pe- riphery. All the material is moved in a spiral pattern with increasing accel- eration of the particles and this 3D movement  of  the  machine  can  be drawn and recorded on paper in the form of an ellipse.
Various   effective   mesh   deblinding systems  (Ultrasonic,  balls,  etc)  are available for this purpose.
The  modular  design  enables  differ- ent   setup   variations   and   product can  be  re-screened  2  to  3  times  to increase yield and the screening ef- ficiency.

• extremely high screening efficiency (up to 99%);
• easy  dismantling  and  cleaning  of all parts;
• low noise level (<78dB);
• reduced maintenance cost;
• modular    design    for    double screening or high capacity;
• low    acceleration    and    gentle separation of the product; • not destroy fragile and delicate products;
• possibility  to  install  lifting  de- vice   for   quick   screen   frame change;

Application: the machines are suitable for all sectors with a widely varying
range of products such as animal feed,  building materials,  chemicals, fertilizer,  food,  beverages,  tobacco, metal powders,  minerals,  pharmaceuticals,  plastics,  rubber, recycling, and wood. Visit:

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