Eidos S.p.A

Eidos è leader nella progettazione e produzione di stampanti per etichette e per la marcatura e la stampa automatica di prodotti industriali.

Velocità di stampa

Il sistema geotermico

Eidos is the leader in the design and production of label printers and for marking and automatic printing of industrial products.

We have focused on developing thermal transfer digital printing for over forty years. Thermal transfer is a clean, eco-friendly, and safe solution for printing variable data in real-time, such as best-before dates, forward or backward number sequences, barcodes, 2D codes, identification codes, and more. In this manner, you can intervene in the printing operation directly along the production line without changing the plate or stopping the machine.

All Eidos products are the result of the autonomous and original design on hardware and software level.

This has fostered the development of high-efficiency solutions and applications, many of which covered by international patents.

UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 certified Quality Management System Design and development, production, installation, assistance.

Eidos has always focused on the supply of high quality products and services. For this reason, we implement quality parameters and standard procedures form the earliest steps of the design process to obtain products characterized by acknowledged reliability.

Since 1999, Eidos is ISO 9001 certified and perform periodical audits on all processes to guarantee continuous conformity to standards.

In September 2017 Eidos updated the quality management system to UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 after having passed the audits performed by the certifying body DNV GL ITALIA.

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Eidos S.p.A
Via dell’Industria, 11 Z.I. Fontaneto 10023 Chieri (TO) - Italy