A quality designed to last. This is Lawer’s mission statement, a Biella based company, internationally recognized for the excellence of powders and liquids dispensing systems. This excellence begins with a preliminary analysis phase, to the equipment commissioning, to ensure safe and automated systems, operated by a high-class software which is able to adapt itself to the manufacturing companies’ changing needs.
Quality is also the ability to provide the most efficient service and maintenance, being always on time and close to its customers thanks to a worldwide presence.

Since the beginning Lawer has always implemented the strategic decision to invest on people, research and new technologies. Thanks to the analysis and development of the technical department the company shows its strong projecting capabilities.
The task of finding the most innovative technical solutions for the systems continuous improvement is essentially provided by a qualified and professional team, which is constantly updated and trained with new technologies.
For this reason, Lawer continues leading in an increasingly competitive market. Lawer’s dosing systems automatically weigh all the powder and liquid ingredients present in the recipes and batches, where the micro dosage of ingredients is required.
All Lawer’s systems are the result of Lawer’s 50-year experience and know-how in the design and manufacturing of dosing systems for many different applications in different types of industrial productions.
With the automatic powder dosing systems, it is possible to grant:
• The highest quality of the finished product
• The highest weighing precision
• Replicability of the recipes
• Right balance of raw materials
• Production management, efficiency and cost reduction
• Complete confidentiality of know-how
• Optimisation of production, less production time

More time/less costs, the automatic dosage system reduces the production time with consequently recovering of efficiency and marginality.
Confidentiality, it is possible to keep secret the composition of the recipe and protect your creativity and your know-how.
Control, it is possible to monitor and verify the daily production, monthly production, the consumption of each single raw material or each single recipe accessing to a protected area.
Replicability, in a fully automatic way, the system repeats countless times the error free weighing of the micro-ingredients of the recipes, guaranteeing constant quality at all times.
Less errors, less cost, higher quality of the finished product.
Traceability, all the weighing operations are saved and made available for a perfect traceability.
Saving, the systems contribute to reducing errors and time in the recipe preparation, thus reducing costs of production and personnel.
Lawer can supply different models of Automatic Dosing Systems, with single, double and multi scale technology (mod. UNICA TWIN, UNICA HD & SD and mod. SUPERSINCRO), with different levels of accuracy (1gr – 0.1 gr or 0.01 gr) and different capacity of powders’ storage (from 50 lt up to 300 lt. capacity of each hopper). Lawer is the ideal partner for the automation of the powder micro-ingredients dosing.