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Libanpack is internationally approved

LibanPack is registered at the Lebanese government as a non-profit private sector association

Association of Lebanese Industries

The main objective of LibanPack is to increase the competitiveness of Arab products on export markets through the improvement of packaging and labelling , and to ensure their conformity with international standards for packaging & labeling. LibanPack fulfill its objectives through its services such as consultancies & trainings provided by the center to enterprises and concerned organization.


LibanPack’s mission is to ensure market access and compliance for Lebanese and Arab Export through marketing and packaging services. LibanPack, the Lebanese Packaging Center, was founded in 2008 through the joint support of the UNIDO project,ALI (the Association of Lebanese Industrialists). LibanPack is a full member of the WPO and is accredited by CIEH to provide food and packaging Trainings.
*CIEH: Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
*WPO: World Packaging Organization


The main objective of LibanPack is to increase the competitiveness of Arab products on export markets through the improvement of packaging and labelling , and to ensure their conformity with international standards for packaging & labeling. LibanPack fulfill its objectives through its services such as consultancies & trainings provided by the center to enterprises and concerned organization.

Environmentally Sustainable Packaging LibanPack is already supporting Lebanese industries in developing environmentally sound packaging
and is creating awareness to the concept of the 3 Rs: Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling. LibanPack
is also partnering with different companies to add value to new and existing brands through
sustainable packaging solutions.

Video Playlist
1/3 videos

Packaging and Branding: More Than Just a Box

Packaging is often perceived as merely a functional container, a protective layer for products during transport and distribution. However, in today’s world, packaging is much more than that. It has evolved to become a key element in a company’s marketing and communication strategy. In an increasingly competitive market, packaging plays a crucial role in differentiating

Revolutionizing packaging: the trends shaping a sustainable future

In recent years, the packaging industry has undergone a radical transformation, driven by efforts in sustainability and regulatory changes. These factors are pushing the adoption of new technologies ranging from mechanical engineering to recycling, redefining the very concept of packaging and the materials used. The focus on sustainability has highlighted the urgency to reduce the

Tayyar Center, 4th Floor, Block CSin el Fil Beirut Lebanon